
(How to Start Living a Minimalist Lifestyle & start making MONEY!)


     1.   This is decluttering process. For your simple living lifestyle
    2.   Stay always mindful that minimalists live intentionally not with heaps.
    3.   Minimize your needs. Going minimalist to me meant that I was spending my most time to collect things that I don’t need anymore.
     4.   Be intentional with your time in this concept that is so precious.
     5.   Create a savings account to see its impact on your daily life.

Reduce to basic things

It’s quite simple to be a minimalist when you must live with less than 100 things it seems a big challenge.

But mostly people they dismiss minimalism as some sort of emotions usually due to restrictions or a limit. That’s why there never be a minimalist. Minimalism isnt about any of those objects, but it can help a lot to accomplish. In case you desire to live with fewer things, or not even a car or television, or want to travel all over the world, then minimalism can lend a big hand. But that’s not the point at the moment.

If you understand Minimalism, it’s just like a tool that can assist you in finding freedom of things or objects. Such as Freedom from fear & worry, guilt, stress or depression. So its real freedom.

 It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with owning material or things. We live in modern era and today’s problem seems to be the meaning we assign to our things or objects, we always tend to give importance to our stuff rather than human beings, even we don’t care about our health, our relationships, our goals or personal growth is no matter for us. If we wish to own a luxury car or big elegant house, we have to think about minimize our needs at some point. If you want to raise a family and want to make a bright future. Then these things are very essential to you. Minimalism simply give you to make these decisions more consciously, more deliberately, it makes a big difference in your life. 

However, there are a lot of successful minimalists in this world. One of my friend and his wife have only few things in their house. They have a good career and they are very successful and enjoying their life fully. If you see normally you can judge easily, when we got heaps of stuff we always in stress to sort it out, making space for other things, clean it every day, moving in and out problem etc. so a lot of problems happened due to material. With few things you can travels all over the world. My friend and her husband live in a small flat and both have no cars. Mostly they share two things in common. They are minimalists.
But might be mostly people think that how can these people be so different and yet still be minimalists with small amount of needing things? That’s what it brings us back to our original question: What is minimalism? Its solutions of better living. If we had to summarize it up in a single word, we can say, Minimalism is a tool where you can get rid of yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s imperative for you. Hence you can find cherish life, fulfillment of your needs and freedom.

Minimalism has helped us in many ways some are listed below:
v  Declutter life
v  Saves our time
v  Live in the present moment
v  Continue our passions
v  Enough time to discover more exposure
v  Experience the real freedom in life
v  Create a lot and consume less
v  Focus on necessary things like health, relationship etc.
v  Grow as individuals not machines
v  Contribute in enjoyment
v  Get rid of excess stuff
v  Find a new aim in our lives


Happy Day!

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