Fat Blocker Diet


Your best partner in a healthy weight loss plan

How Fiber Blocks Fat ?

It's the real miracle diet food

Fiber is the tough, structural part of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains, the elements of food that aren't digested by the body. It travels more or less intact from the stomach to the intestines and from the intestines into the stool. 

This isn't a problem—it's precisely why fiber is such a powerful weight loss aid.

Are there twin personalities of fiber ?

We often discuss fiber as if it were a single substance, 

there are actually two types

Soluble and insoluble

according to Barbara Harland, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at Howard University in Washington, D.C. 

“Most plant foods contain both types, although they usually

have more of one kind than the other”

For example, Apples contain mainly soluble fiber, while grains

contain more of the insoluble kind.

While both types of fiber pass through the intestine without being absorbed, that's where the similarity ends. 

How do fiber act  inside the body ? 

They act in totally different ways inside the body, and,

as a result, they help protect against different conditions,

Dr. Harland says. If you have high cholesterol, for example,

your doctor may advise you to get slightly more soluble fiber

in your diet, which can help lower the amounts of this

dangerous substance in your bloodstream. 

People with a family history of colon cancer,

however, may want to get more of the insoluble kind,

which helps eliminate toxins and cholesterol from

the intestinal tract before they can cause problems.

How can fiber fight body fat ?

Although they act in different ways, soluble and insoluble fibers do
combine their talents in the one area that many Americans need
them most: losing weight. 

Fiber is an incredibly powerful tool for controlling weight.
Since foods that are high in fiber are very filling, you'll naturally
eat a little less. 
Plus, when you're eating more fiber-rich foods,
you'll automatically eat less of other, fattier foods. 
"A very important way to lose weight and keep it off is to
eat more fiber," Dr. Harland says. 
Here are the specifics:


Fiber-rich diets tend to be low in fats and sugar. Why?

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